Creating something from nothing on a blank paper makes me come alive. It defines who I am and it's about more than chronicling my life. Wisdom is the sharing of wise experiences and knowledge, but a lot of it is common sense.
We Need Someone
True Love
I just want to tell Fizah how honoured I am today to says something on your special day.On behalf of my family and myself I just want to say how beautiful and radiant your look today, it truly has been a special day for you.
Happy Hari Raya Aidiladha
Dedicated To:
My Family (Mom, Along, Adik & Jaja)
All My Friends & Blog Visitors
Keep Up The Good Work
It makes me proud to be able to offer my congratulations on your graduation. I know how long and hard you have worked and studied. But, your dedication and perseverance has paid off, and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.
Happily Ever After
Always Remember To Forget
You're Not Alone
Forgive Is Essential
Forgive is essential,
There is a tendency in all of us to hold ourselves,
More accountable than we do others,
Perhaps you have been one who can justify forgiving others,
Even for a heinous offense,
Yet you find no justification for forgiving yourself,
For an equal or lesser offense,
Perhaps you believe that forgiving yourself,
Is not even a consideration,
Because you think you must hold yourself,
In a state of constant remembrance,
Lest you forget,
Perhaps you believe there is a price,
Some form of life long penance that you must pay.
Today, Tommorow & Forever
Who Am I?
I Found A Friend
Forgiving Others
Search For Answers
The Nature of Friendship
The Moments
you suported me when i was in tears.
Relationship, Trust & Accountability
The Philosophy of Friendship
Tribute To My Father
My Father served the government for almost 20 years and Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd for almost 10 years. He was everyone’s favorite friend & neighbour. Everybody calls him,
"Abang Tapah or Pak Yah"
My Father died, July 30, 2007. I am not very accustomed in making speeches & not very vocal about my emotions. But this time, I really want to express my feelings and talk about my Father.
If there are far more greater words to describe how my Father was then let me use it. But there’s really no need for words, because my Father’s life spoke loud and clear enough. What tribute can you pay a man whose whole life was a tribute. I don’t think there was anyone who knew him that didn’t like him. He was a good man, I was lucky to have him as my father.
When I was a kid, I used to see him wearing his uniform while carrying me in his arm… fetching me from school, because it is flooded and it made me feel very proud.
Another vivid memory of him was, when I went through the stage of being failed an exam, I was crying miserably. I stayed in my room all day. He came up to me, sat beside my bed and gave me comfort and advised me to let go & move on.
Not that my Father was perfect, But in my life, I never felt for a moment that he wasn’t there for me. He always supports me with my plans, Unfortunately he will not be physically present , to see my dreams being fulfilled.
But his sudden loss made me realize that I am vulnerable, for this is the most painful & saddest thing that ever happened to me. But I know that my Father wouldn’t want me to see grieving...
I am going to miss him…
I love you "Abah", I will miss you, But will never forget who you are & will always talk about you and tell your grand children about their grandpa who always tried to give somethings in his life.
And to you "Abah"…
As a Father… Mission Accomplished
As a Retired Person
(Government and Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd)
I Love you "Abah"… Al- Fatihah
How will smoking kill you?
A smoker’s incorrect response to this basic question is understandable. Early on most sensed smoking’s impact upon their lungs. Even as teens they knew it was depriving them of a degree of endurance, stamina and normal lung function.
They could hear the panting while trying to keep pace with other teens. Eventually the sounds of a morning cough or wheeze arrive. But smoking induced circulatory disease is a silent killer.
Smokers need to imagine damage to normal blood flow being substantially worse than any damage they sense happening within their lungs. According to the Ministry Of Health Malaysia, lung cancer is responsible for 28% of smoking related deaths while 43% are attributable to cardiovascular disease - primarily heart disease and strokes.
It's easy to appreciate that the 43 cancer causing chemicals in each and every puff are slowly building an internal time bomb. What few comprehend is that before the bomb has time to go off that it’s far more likely that smoking will cause some portion of their body’s blood piping to completely clog, with downstream oxygen deprived tissues suffocating and dying.
But how?
Nicotine’s ability to dock at millions of acetylcholine receptor sites grant it control over the flow of a host of neurochemicals including those associated with preparing the body for fight or flight, our built-in stress response.
Imagine encountering a sabertooth tiger and having to either flee or fight in order to survive. The stresses would cause these amazing bodies to release a host of chemicals and hormones. They’d trigger an increase in our rate of breathing so that our body could immediately begin taking in more oxygen.
Our heart rate would climb so that a greater volume of oxygen rich blood could be pumped from our lungs to our muscles and brain. Our blood pressure would increase. Extremity and skin surface blood vessels would constrict so as to diminish the risk of bleeding to death if cut while fighting or fleeing the tiger. Our fingers and toes would grow noticeably colder.
Our hearing would perk and our pupils would dilate. Our body would be force-fed an instant supply of energy as the liver released glucose elevating blood sugars, and stored fats were pumped into our bloodstream fats intended to be burned while fighting or fleeing the sabertooth tiger.
Bodily functions not needed during fight or flight would be shut down in order to redirect blood flow to muscle tissues. Nonessential functions such as digestion would stop. The liver would suspend bad cholesterol clean-up, while stored cholesterol would be released helping thicken our blood and aid in clotting if wounded during fight or flight.
That’s how the body’s defenses were designed to respond. But instead of a sabertooth tiger imagine the natural insecticide and teratogen nicotine being able to trigger the body’s fight or flight responses. Visualize it happening puff after puff, cigarette after cigarette, pack after pack, year after year.
Picture nicotine’s control over fight or flight occurring at the exact same time as the smoker is inhaling large quantities of highly toxic carbon monoxide. Inside our lungs carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying portion of red blood cells) with an affinity 200-250 times greater than that of oxygen.
Not only does an arriving carbon monoxide molecule have a 200 times greater chance than an oxygen molecule of entering the bloodstream, two to four hours after inhaling a large puff of carbon monoxide half is still circulating.
It not only robs the body of life-giving oxygen but its toxic properties act as a Brillo pad in grinding away the smooth delicate endothelium lining of blood vessel walls. Like eggs that begin sticking to a worn Teflon frying pan, extra fight or flight fats begin sticking, accumulating, building and hardening.
Picture the inside of once smooth coronary arteries whose job it was to feed our heart muscle oxygen instead gradually becoming narrower and narrower as they slowly fill with fight or flight fats and cholesterols. Picture the same process occurring in blood pathways to the brain.
Eventually it happens. Complete blockage occurs. All downstream tissues serviced with oxygen by the blood vessel immediately begin to suffocate and die. By far the most common site of smoker circulatory
tissue death is the heart muscle (a heart attack) followed by the brain (a stroke).
The smoker’s senseless self destruction need not continue. Nicotine is simply a chemical with an I.Q. of zero. Knowledge truly is power. The smoker’s greatest weapon is and always has been their vastly superior intelligence but only if put to work.
Who Is A True Friend?
We all have friends. A lot gets talked about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. After a romantic relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have.
True Friend
A Friend
a rose to be exact.