Set Our Thoughts Properly

Life is thought, and when we cease to think, we are not living. How we think, is the kind of life we live. Since we are able to control our thoughts, we can determine the course of our life and the way we feel during our time here.We are what we think.It is very important to establish good thinking guidelines and follow them. Placing thoughts of peace and happiness in our minds will help to make our lives peaceful and happy.

If we do not set our thoughts properly, we travel through life by way of places where we will wish we had not gone. It is the mind that make us being good, happy, rich and poor. Our daily life includes thoughts associated with responsibilities concerning work, other people and handling problems. If possible, try not to think of too many different things during your day and don't move or think too quickly.

Start your morning with a plan to come through to bedtime relaxed, contented and ready for a restful night's sleep.Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. Reflect about things that can improve your feelings, learning, completing tasks, duties, pleasant, relaxing experiences and kind words.

Finally, think about your happiness, goals, life pleasures, your principles and your conduct. Think about enjoying the moment.


Anonymous said...

yeah it really true...everyone have to set there thoughts first properly...and the picture you shown there is very impressive...
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Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya said...

Dear Kristina,

Our minds are lazier than our bodies.I like to think of thoughts as living blossoms borne by the human tree.

Thanks. Please keep in touch.

Dha said...

you have beautifully described about mind. mind is such a powerful tool if we make use of it in a good way. our minds have potential to undergo many things. we won't even know how we were able to do it. but its all because of mind. very nice blog. keep it up.

Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya said...

Dear Visitor,

I was surprised to see the degree to which some young, energetic, and clever minds quickly dismissed the existence of the concept which is called “human nature.”

It struck me then, and it still does today, that if one does not consider that there is such a thing as human nature, there cannot be conflicts between or among differing views of that which is denied.

Thanks. Please Keep In Touch.