Ramadan Wishes to Noorsha...

Ramadan eCard From : Noor Shafiah Mohamad Adam
To : Her Blogger Friends (Including me, Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya)
Ramadan Wishes to Noorsha :
Ramadan is the holy month of fasting from morning until sunset.
A beautiful and heartfelt wish for a dear friend.
May Allah's Rahmat Shine On You.
Wish you and your hubby the blessings of Allah on Ramadan.
It is also the occasion to get together with your loved ones,
and hopefully both of you Happily Ever After.


nOOrsha said...

salam pren....the way u spell my name is wrong la pren.... got
H in between of S & A... :)btw thanks 4 the poetry....i love it... happy ramadhan :)

Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya said...

Dear Noorsha,

Sorry for the typing errors. Fasting is a special act of worship which is only between humans and God since no one else knows for sure if this person is actually fasting.

Take care. Wassalam.

Anonymous said...

thanks for such nice poetry..its really very impressive...
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Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya said...

Dear Kristina,

U are most welcome.

Mohd Yazri Bin Yahaya said...

Dear Visitor(Heaven),

U are most welcome. Please keep in touch. I'll visit ur blog soon. Thanks.